SOS is an active and diverse congregation that is dedicated to fostering a sense of Jewish identity and community through its spiritual, educational, social, cultural and outdoor programs in Summit County. Our congregation is unaffiliated and welcomes individuals and families of all backgrounds.
We offer a variety of Jewish activities, including Shabbat or Havdallah potluck dinners and Friday evening lay led Shabbat services. We celebrate most Jewish holidays to include the building of a Sukkah, a Hanukkah party, a Passover Seder, and High Holy Day Services. We offer a part-time Rabbi, who spends approximately 6 weekends a year and the High Holidays with our congregation and provides religious and spiritual support to our members.
The congregation organizes seasonal group activities such as summer hikes and bike rides as well as winter snowshoe and ski outings. We are involved in the community, organizing events such as Trail Maintenance and Food Drives. Children attend Hebrew School or Religious School and are welcome at all social events.
Visitors are welcome to join any of our religious, educational or social functions.
SOS is unique. We are a synagogue without walls, a heterogeneous community that is growing in complexity and size. We are a congregation of volunteers, each making our unique and wonderful contributions. Please join with us to keep the Synagogue of the Summit a strong and positive example of Jewish experiences and values, something for us now, and for those who come after us.
Wed, December 11 2024
10 Kislev 5785
Upcoming Programs & Events
Dec 16 SOS Book Club Monday, Dec 16 7:00pm |
Dec 27 Lay-Led Shabbat Service & Hanukkah Party Friday, Dec 27 5:30pm |
Jan 17 Lay Led Shabbat Service Friday, Jan 17 7:00pm |
Jan 22 SOS Book Club Wednesday, Jan 22 7:00pm |
Feb 21 Lay Led Shabbat Service Friday, Feb 21 7:00pm |
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