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High Holy Days 2024


We invite you to join us for our High Holiday Services 5785.  All services will be held in-person as well as streamed live on our YouTube Channel so all may participate.

Please consider signing up to bring a dish for the Rosh Hashanah Luncheon and our Yom Kippur Break Fast.  Our tradition is to have the luncheon and Break Fast be a potluck. We have slots open for dishes such as kugel, veggies, salad etc.  Thank you in advance and We look forward to seeing you!

All services held at:

RSVP for location


7:00-8:30pm  Evening Rosh Hashanah Service  (Doors open at 6:30pm)
8:30-9:00pm  Oneg 
(SOS will provide wine and challah. Please bring something small to share for the oneg.)

10:00am-12:30pm  Rosh Hashanah Morning Service  (Doors open at 9:30am)

12:30pm  Rosh Hashanah Community Luncheon   (please sign up for potluck here)
(Across the hall from where services are held in the Church)

2:00pm  Gather and be ready to depart for Tashlich
2:30-3:00pm  Tashlich Service RSVP for location

(Fast begins at 6:12pm)

6:30-6:55pm  Doors Open, Settling In and Bach Beforehand 
7:00-9:00pm  Yom Kippur Evening Services - Kol Nidre  

10:00am-12:30pm  Yom Kippur Morning Service  (Doors open at 9:30)
12:45- 1:30pm        Breakout Session #1 - New Music in Aftermath of October 7th with Cantor Avital
1:45 - 2:30pm         Breakout Session #2- Exploring the Book of Jonah with Rabbi Gelfarb
2:45 - 3:00pm         Breakout Session #3 - Meditation Practice

5:00 - 5:30pm        Mincha Service
5:30 - 6:00pm        October 7th Memorial Service
6:00 - 6:30pm        Yizkor Service
6:30 - 7:10pm         Neilah Service
7:10pm                       Havdalah (Yom Kippur Ends)
7:30pm                      Break the Fast Dinner (please sign up for potluck here)

Please enter contact information for the primary contact of your group below.

Please choose how many people will attend each HHD service IN-PERSON below:

   10/2/24 - Rosh Hashanah Evening Service - 7:00pm
   10/3/24 - Rosh Hashanah Morning Service - 10:00am
   10/3/24 - Rosh Hashanah Luncheon - 12:30pm
   10/11/24 - Kol Nidre - 7:00pm
   10/12/24 - Yom Kippur Morning Service - 10:00am
   10/12/24 - Break the Fast Dinner - 7:30pm

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785