We invite you to join us for our High Holiday Services 5784. All services will be held in-person as well as streamed live on our YouTube channel so all may participate.
All services held at:
Dillon Community Church
371 East LaBonte, Dillon, CO 80435
7:00-8:30pm Evening Rosh Hashanah Service (Doors open at 6:30pm)
8:30-9:00pm Oneg
(SOS will provide wine and challah. Please bring something small to share for the oneg.)
10:00am-12:30pm Rosh Hashanah Morning Service (Doors open at 9:30am)
12:45-2:00pm Luncheon
(Across the hall from where services are held in the Church)
2:15pm Gather and be ready to depart for Tashlich
2:30-3:00pm Tashlik Service at Lake Dillon
7:00-8:30pm Yom Kippur Evening Services - Kol Nidre (Doors open at 6:30)
10:00am-12:30pm Yom Kippur Morning Service (Doors open at 9:30)
12:45-1:30pm Breakout Group 1 - Spend some time with Rabbi Ruthie as we discuss the writing work of Cheshbon Ha'Nefesh in our lives.
1:45-2:30pm Breakout Group 2 - Our very own congregant David Radlauer, will share the composing of his new melody for the ancient piyut - Ya Aleh. Come hear him explain his process.
2:45-3:30pm Breakout Group 3 - Take part in a "Mindful Walking Meditation' led by Diane Gordon and Rebecca Warshawsky.
5:00-5:50pm Mincha Service
6:00-6:50pm Yizkor Service
7:00-7:40pm Neilah Service
7:40-7:50pm Havdallah
8:00-9:30pm Break the Fast Dinner
9/15/23 - Rosh Hashanah Evening Service - 7:00pm
9/16/23 - Rosh Hashanah Morning Service - 10:00am
9/16/23 - Rosh Hashanah Luncheon - 12:45pm
9/24/23 - Kol Nidre - 7:00pm
9/25/23 - Yom Kippur Morning Service - 10:00am
9/25/23 - Break the Fast Dinner - 8:00pm