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Welcome Home
SOS is a welcoming, warm place where friends gather to connect with community, partake in Summit County’s unique, spectacular natural offerings and celebrate Jewish traditions.
A synagogue without walls… a congregation of volunteers, each making their own special contributions.
We seek to serve the diverse Summit community from young ski instructors to active retirees…seasonal residents to full timers….folks for whom SOS is their only affiliation to those who have both a home congregation and their mountain congregation.
SOS is a village and we welcome your input to helping our congregation thrive.
Join us for a hike, host a Shabbat dinner, learn Hebrew, assist with community outreach, play mah jong, pickleball, plan a holiday party and so much more.
When you join us, please note the list of SOS offerings. As you indicate your interests, a member of the community will reach out so be sure to tell us if you have additional thoughts or ideas on what you can bring to SOS.
We thank you for joining our beautiful community, and supporting Jewish values.
L’hitraot, - We’ll see you soon,
Amy Somers Membership Director
* Our Membership Year runs from August 1 - July 31 *
Our Slopeside Sponsorship levels - Green, Blue, Black and Double Black - are suggested dues sponsorship levels.
The Blue sponsorship level represents the approximate true cost of membership.
Please note: You are not restricted to any of the suggested levels $ amount and are welcome to, for instance, select any of the levels and add an additional amount; i.e. select Blue sponsorship at $500 and add an additional $100, or select Green at $360 and add an additional $50, etc.
Also, while SOS remains very committed to maintaining low membership dues so that cost is not a barrier to belonging to our community, SOS expenses are continuing to go up. If you are able, please consider supporting SOS at the Blue or higher level of membership so that we can continue to keep dues low to enable all who wish to participate in our community to be able to do so.
Please note: all categories of dues are tax deductible.